"The Big Show"On Display at The Sky Gallery now through August 13th
This annual exhibit is a HUGE favorite! Each piece is sized 36" or larger and on display at The Sky Gallery, located inside The Springfield-Branson Airport. Several of our members had art accepted for the show: Congratulations to Ted Thurman, Robert Kraft, Dawna Middleton, and Carol Snyder.
As an art educator for 25 years, Ann Kynion now creates art full time and shares her passion for art through membership in local groups including Springfield Regional Arts Council, Visual Arts Alliance of Springfield, Studio 55 Arts Guild, Friends of the Springfield Art Museum and the Springfield Plein Air group. She also participates regularly with the Springfield Life Drawing Group, is a member of the Missouri Watercolor Society state organization and is the organizer of the Southwest Missouri Women’s Artist Retreat, now in its 4th year. Ann also teaches private and group lessons and workshops.
During the program, Ann will show some of her nature inspired paintings and share some of the fun techniques she uses for starting paintings and creating special effects. Members and guests are invited to participate in an optional hands-on fun activity using watercolors and a variety of materials. No experience is necessary, only a willingness to experiment.
If you have the following materials, please bring them:
We will have some brushes and watercolors available to share for those that don't have them. Watercolor paper and all other materials will be furnished.
Ann said "I am constantly trying new techniques, taking workshops, etc. I find that it keeps me working at my art. I have always loved watercolor and clay. Watercolor seems to fit the nature of my painting. Clay is my 3-D medium and allows me to think and work in a different way. Working in 3-D improves what I do in painting. I find I need to do both. I enjoy the process of making art. It keeps me balanced and sane and makes my life richer. I cannot imagine living a life without art. One may contact Ann to learn about her classes at akynion@yahoo.com or 417.848.7175
Visitors are welcome and we encourage you to join our guild after 3 visits for only $30 per year to support our projects, speakers, and other expenses.
Archived Newsletters:
2019: January, February, March,April May June
2018: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August September October, November,December.
2017: December, November, October, September, August,July, June, May, April, March, February, January
2016: December, November, October, September, August ,
Member of the month: October, September, August,
©Danielle Hartzler
Finley River Gallery will host a juried “GO BIG” that is open to the public July 27-Aug 10. Entries must be at least 24 x 30” or 720 sq. Inches, and no larger than 48 x 60 in. Or 2880 sq. Inches. If it is a diptych or triptych it must fit into those same measurements, plus 1 in” between pieces. Entries are due July 17-20th. There is a $10.00 entry fee for members, 15.00 for nonmembers and a limit of 1 entry per person. Reception and awards will be July 26, 6:30 - 7:30. Entree forms available at the gallery during regular hours, M-F 10-3:00 & Sat. 10-1:00. Telephone 581-8222.
©Danielle Hartzler
"We should be taught NOT to wait for inspiration to start something new. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." Frank Tibolt, author of "A Touch Of Greatness"
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Danielle Hartzler will show some of her art work and expand on the techniques and processes involved in developing her pieces from start to finish. In her personal process of considering career options and strategizing about the future, she has developed tools and ways of approaching the idea of finding work as an artist that have transformed her thinking. The role of and opportunities for artists looks vastly different in today's digital world which brings about it's own set of both challenges and possibilities. She'll share what she's learned so far in navigating in the digital age, the subject of mental health, and how each person's process and journey is unique and personal.
Danielle grew up in South Carolina and moved to Missouri to pursue a bachelor of Fine Arts in Oil Painting and Printmaking. Since graduating, she has taken up various jobs while working on personal projects, and has landed at Transformation Gallery & Tattoo as the Creative Director and Curator, working among other accomplished artists. Her job involves curating the fine art gallery, managing social media, interacting with customers, and general office management of the tattoo studio. Other advantages of the position include shared studio space and a platform for displaying her own work in a gallery and online setting.
Danielle’s drawings and paintings have been shown at art shows and craft markets around town, and she was commissioned to do the artwork for two Live Dead Journal publications, a daily missions devotional and journal. Aside from commissioned work, her focus has been to continue creating bodies of work in oils and pen and ink to foster opportunities for careers in the arts, while maintaining personal artistic discovery and development.
You will can find more of her artwork on Danielle’s Facebook artist page by clicking here or link to her Instagram by clicking here
Member Exhibit at the Springfield Greene County Botanical Center: “Inspired By Nature” Exhibit
Weekly Workshops and classes by members Meike Aton, Tracy Bruton, Greg Chappell, Alicia Farris, Audrey Bottrell Parks, Farley Lewis, Darlene Prater, John Whytock and Ursula Wollenberg can be found by clicking here
Congratulation to John Whytock: The 14th International ARC Salon Competition is viewed as "the most influential and far reaching competition for Contemporary Realism in the world". This year there were over 4300 entries with approximately 1500 accepted as finalists. John is honored to have 3 paintings accepted, and looks forward to hearing the award results.
July 10, 2019 Program 1:00 p.m.
Featured Speaker: Ann Kynion
"Wishy Washy Watercolor"
National Avenue Christian Church Gallery
1515 South National Ave. Springfield
Bambino’s Italian Café at Battlefield and Lone Pine: Congratulations to featuring artists, Rick Atwell, Judy Ferguson, Sarah Rasul, Darlene Prater, Joshua Beecher Lois Reeves and Steve McGuire and those featured at the Delmar location: Sandra Letson and Joy Tate . Come enjoy the food and art at all locations and purchase some beautiful art from one of our local artists. Contact the Letson’s if you are interested in applying. 417-496-1838. No commission is charged.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019: 4:00 p.m
For Members of Studio 55
FREE Tour of the Wonders of Wild Life (WOW) Museum and Aquarium, 500 W Sunshine Street, Springfield, Missouri
Led By Larry Owen, member of Studio 55
Park in the West lot and enter through the Aquarium entrance.
This tour will include the world-class acquarium, but the main focus will be the 100 oil paintings of Charles Fritz which are based on the journals of Lewis and Clark. These painting were done plein air by Fritz from 1998 to 2008, as he traveled the route described by the Corps of Discovery. He used the journals to depict scenes and painted them during the same time of year as Lewis and Clark described them in the writings.They represent a pictorial journal from Lewis and Clark's first sightings of the Great Falls of the Missouri to a buffalo hunt to the Pacific and back. The paintings are stunning in their content, technique and accuracy and depict an important time in U.S. history. If you did not registered at the June meeting, please make RESERVATIONS by EMAIL to studio55guild@gmail.com or come to the July 10th program to sign up.
Members and visitors are encouraged to bring a piece of their art for "show and share" for the meeting. This could be a finished piece or a work in progress you want some feedback on from other artists.
Please send member news to studio55guild@gmail.com Deadline for August News: July 22nd
Fresh Gallery: Studio 55 members of Fresh Gallery are Rick Atwell, Nancy Brown Dornan, Sherri Davis, Alicia Farris, Farley Lewis, Cheryl Vowels, John Whytock and Deborah Whytock. You can see their art and that of other artists at 400 W. Walnut on the SW corner of Campbell and Walnut in downtown Springfield.
Alicia Farris is the Artist of the month for July, featuring art with "Faces and Places" Thursday, July 25, 5:30-7pm Alicia would be honored to see you at Fresh Gallery for a wine and hors d'oeuvres reception to celebrate the arts. Learn about Alicia Farris's exhibit here
July 5th: To learn about all venues for the First Friday art Walk click here:
Big Modern Gallery:Big Modern is Fresh Gallery's pop-up gallery of large, contemporary art and sculpture. The brainchild of FRESH Artist, Nancy Brown Dornan, this exhibit began last year to showcase art that requires large spaces for proper presentation. Every two months they present a few select artists works, in addition to our participating FRESH Gallery Artists. Located just two blocks north of FRESH Gallery at 204 S. Campbell Ave in Springfield, Big Modern is open during First Friday Art Walk from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M., and by appointment. Contact Linda Kirchner at (417) 861-5004 to schedule a private viewing. Congratulations to the following members for being featured in July. Meike Aton, Farley Lewis, Audrey Bottrell and Gary Park. See the poster.
See Fresh Gallery Website here for more information about their events and how to join.
Call for Artists for exhibits in the Springfield area: Springfield Regional Art's Council list: click here (list of area "CALL FOR ARTISTS")
Congratulations to Farley Lewis who is the featured artist this month at the Hotel Vandivort 305 E. Walnut Street.
Request from Nancy Dornan: If you have empty tubes of acrylic paint, please bring them to the Studio 55 meeting on July 10th. Nancy Dornan is experimenting with a new approach and would be happy to include your throw-away acrylic tube paint in her experiment. Nancy Dornan. 417.860.4315 nancydornan.com
Congratulations to Elisa Kruger for being one of the featured artists at Gailey's Breakfast Cafe, 220 E Walnut Street..
Thursday, July 25, 2019: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
"The Power of Repetition and Finding my Process”
Artist Talk by Danielle Hartzler, the curator and creative director at Transformation Gallery and Tattoo. Free and Open to the Public
Sponsors: Friends of the Springfield Art Museum (FOSAM), Studio 55 Arts Guild and the Springfield Art Museum
Springfield Art Museum, 1111 E. Brookside Drive, Springfield, Missouri
Seating is limited and reservations are required with Sandra Graves Letson sandragraves@mchsi.com or 417-496-1838.