Please send member news to Deadline for July News: June 21st
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Community Outreach:
June 12th, 2019 Program 1:00 p.m.
Featured Speaker: Farley Lewis
"Keep it Simple"
National Avenue Christian Church Gallery
1515 South National Ave. Springfield
11th annual SRAC Member Show sponsored by Positronic Industries opens June 7th. This will be a part of the First Friday Art Walk from 5-8 pm. Location: The Creamery Art Center, 411 N. Sherman. Also open weekdays, 9-5.
"We should be taught NOT to wait for inspiration to start something new. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." Frank Tibolt, author of "A Touch Of Greatness"
Archived Newsletters:
2019: January, February, March,April May
2018: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August September October, November,December.
2017: December, November, October, September, August,July, June, May, April, March, February, January
2016: December, November, October, September, August ,
Member of the month: October, September, August,
Request from Nancy Dornan: If you have empty tubes of acrylic paint, please bring them to the Studio 55 meeting on June 12th. Nancy Dornan is experimenting with a new approach and would be happy to include your throw-away acrylic tube paint in her experiment. Nancy Dornan. 417.860.4315
"The Big Show"On Display at The Sky Gallery now through August 13th
This annual exhibit is a HUGE favorite! Each piece is sized 36" or larger and on display at The Sky Gallery, located inside The Springfield-Branson Airport. Several of our members had art accepted for the show: Congratulations to Robert Kraft, Dawna Middleton, and Carol Snyder.
Watercolor USA, begins with an opening reception on June 7 at 5:30 PM, graciously sponsored by the Southwest Missouri Museum Associates. The exhibit runs through September 1 at the Springfield Art Museum located at 1111 East Brookside Drive. Admission is always free. Donations are gratefully accepted. Congratulations to Alicia Farris who was honored to have her painting “Strength and Struggle” chosen for the 58th exhibition of Watercolor USA.
The Springfield Art Museum is Springfield, Missouri’s oldest cultural institution, founded in 1928. A department of the City of Springfield, the Museum invites you to connect with the world, your community, and yourself through active engagement with art objects. For more information, please visit their website by clicking here
Bambino’s Italian Café at Battlefield and Lone Pine: Congratulations to featuring artists, Rick Atwell, Judy Ferguson, Sarah Rasul, Darlene Prater, Joshua Beecher Lois Reeves and Steve McGuire and those featured at the Delmar location: Sandra Letson and Joy Tate . Come enjoy the food and art at all locations and purchase some beautiful art from one of our local artists. Contact the Letson’s if you are interested in applying. 417-496-1838. No commission is charged.
Members and visitors are encouraged to bring a piece of their art for "show and share" for the meeting. This could be a finished piece or a work in progress you want some feedback on from other artists.
Weekly Workshops and classes by members Meike Aton, Tracy Bruton, Greg Chappell, Alicia Farris, Audrey Bottrell Parks, Jerry Hatch, Farley Lewis, Darlene Prater, John Whytock and Ursula Wollenberg can be found by clicking here
Fresh Gallery: Studio 55 members of Fresh Gallery are Rick Atwell, Nancy Brown Dornan, Alicia Farris, Farley Lewis, Cheryl Vowels, John Whytock and Deborah Whytock. You can see their art and that of other artists at 400 W. Walnut on the SW corner of Campbell and Walnut in downtown Springfield. Congratulations to one of our members Nancy BrownDornan, who is one of two "Artists of the Month" for June. Their show, "Old Favorites/New Directions is appropriately named as they are both exploring new directions with their work" Nancy is an Abstract Artist.
Becky White is a mixed media artist based in fiber and encaustic. Learn more about these two artists by clicking here
Nancy and Becky will be hosting two receptions in June you are invited to attend.
Thursday, June 6th from 5pm to 7pm and Thursday, June 20th from 5pm-7pm. Join them for refreshments and see where the artist’s New Directions have taken them.
Fresh Gallery Thank you Springfield for braving the weather and celebrating our Annual Juried Open Competition & Exhibition with us in May.! Here are the winners for 2019! Congratulations to
Best Of Show: “Summer Shadows” by Larry DeGraff
1st Place: “Buddy” by Susan Loop (Member of Studio 55)
2nd Place: “The Taste of Touch” by Chris Blackmon
3rd Place: “Bedtime” by Blair Turrell
Best 2-D: “Smoke and Mirrors” by Patty Rios
Best 3-D: “Lost Anchor” by Tom Stage
Juror’s Choice Award: “Introspection” by Larry DeGraff
Juror’s Choice Award: “Osprey” by Ken Richardson (Member of Studio 55)
Juror’s Choice Award: “Prehistoric Fish” by Gene Wineland
Big Modern Gallery:Big Modern is Fresh Gallery's pop-up gallery of large, contemporary art and sculpture. The brainchild of FRESH Artist, Nancy Brown Dornan, this exhibit began last year to showcase art that requires large spaces for proper presentation. Every two months they present a few select artists works, in addition to our participating FRESH Gallery Artists. Located just two blocks north of FRESH Gallery at 204 S. Campbell Ave in Springfield, Big Modern is open during First Friday Art Walk from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M., and by appointment. Contact Linda Kirchner at (417) 861-5004 to schedule a private viewing. Congratulations to the following members for being featured in June and July. Meike Aton, Farley Lewis, Audrey Bottrell and Gary Park. See the poster.
See Fresh Gallery Website here for more information about their events and how to join.
Finley River Gallery will host a juried “GO BIG” that is open to the public July 27-Aug 10. Entries must be at least 24 x 30” or 720 sq. Inches, and no larger than 48 x 60 in. Or 2880 sq. Inches. If it is a diptych or triptych it must fit into those same measurements, plus 1 in” between pieces. Entries are due July 17-20th. There is a $10.00 entry fee for members, 15.00 for nonmembers and a limit of 1 entry per person. Reception and awards will be July 26, 6:30 - 7:30. Entree forms available at the gallery during regular hours, M-F 10-3:00 & Sat. 10-1:00. Telephone 581-8222.
Meike Aton will be one of the local artists in the Art in the Garden Walking Tour on Sunday June 9th.See the poster for more information..
Farley Lewis will demonstrate in his talk how outstanding paintings are based on simplicity, whether one is choosing a subject matter or adding the final details to a painting. Farley said: "Someone has said that artists see more than others do, but to develop as an artist requires that we learn to see less. To see a busy scene with a million details and be able to recognize simple overall shapes and values and patterns is one of the greatest secrets of doing better paintings. In this session I will discuss why, when and how to keep it simple, and how to avoid the pitfalls of this principle.” To illustrate his methods, he will use a Power Point presentation, handout, display several of his acrylic paintings and do a short demo.
Lewis is an award-winning artist and a member of Fresh Gallery in downtown Springfield Missouri. In addition to his fine art paintings, he also paints murals, house portraits, and does commissioned paintings. He enjoys working in the studio and plein air and also teaches painting classes and workshops. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Missouri State University in 1985. He started and ran a sign shop and graphic design studio for several decades, which included doing paintings, illustrations and murals, and did some mural work for Bass Pro Shops. He has traveled a lot, painting places he has visited all over the globe, and has done murals in South Africa, Israel, Mexico and Canada. After pastoring for years, he again took up the brushes, going full-time as an artist in January of 2018.
He lives with his wife Kelly and one of his five grown children in Springfield, Missouri. One can learn more about his art and the classes he teaches at his website:
Visitors are welcome and we encourage you to join our guild after 3 visits for only $30 per year to support our projects, speakers, exhibits and other expenses.
Call for Artists for exhibits in the Springfield area: Springfield Regional Art's Council list: click here (list of area "CALL FOR ARTISTS")
Alicia Farris Plein Air Workshop sponsored by Crystal Bridges:
Her next area workshop is a one-day watercolor plein air workshop through Crystal Bridges at Hobb's State Park on June 23rd. The class size will be limited and all materials will be provided for students! Contact Crystal Bridges to register by clicking here
Congratulations to Steve McGuire who is the featured artist at Quail Creek, Skilled Nursing Facility.
Opening reception on June 6th from 4-5 pm. at 1514 West Lark, Springfield, MO.
If you are interest in displaying your art please contact Jennifer Pike or call her cell: 573-218-4771 if you are interested in displaying your art. See the facilities' website by clicking here: Jennifer spoke at our meeting in May and explained how much this display helped the residents and hoped we would help by applying to exhibit.